In this era of increasingly developed network, social media has gradually become the center of people’s lives. A growing number of people have also embarked on the work of self-media. And there is a learning curve to running a good social media. The study of Media literacy becomes very important.

What is media literacy?

Media literacy is a kind of format to transfer people’s thoughts throughout their video, website, audio, or graph to people.

Why is it important?

The importance of media literacy is to offer a variety of ways to help people learn they haven’t reached through the format such as blog, youtube, or Twitter. After more users of social media are young people, a good social media is especially important. If a self-media user can express a correct values and opinions, it will help young people to build their own values to a great extent.

Why is it dismissed?

Although we now know the importance of media literacy, many people on the Internet do not learn as much about social media as we do. The virtual world of social media is a place where many people think they can express their emotions at will. Hence, some casual statements have inadvertently caused harm to others,for instance, tiktok now cause a hugh impact on young generation. However, some hottest video may not pass correct information to young people. These fragmented videos make us learn nothing again, and make our attention span weaker .

Why should you aim for varied views but the factual consensus in your PLN?

From my point of view, we can not change many comments on the internet, because it’s innocent for people to express their opinion. However, we can choose the PLN we want to attend. This is why we need to have real consensus in our PLN. we are gathering in one place, not because to fight; we here are to extend our eyesight of the world.


Trilling, B., & Fadel, C. (2009). 21st century skills: Learning for life in our times. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.