How diverse is your existing PLN?

I don’t think I have a lot of diversity in my PLN because I am still a student. If I were to break it down, my diversity would probably be between different subjects. I often join groups of various subjects to study together or check to see if there are any notes I didn’t take in class.

In your PLN, are you learning from a variety of voices or are you the loudest in the room?

If it were in my PLN, I wouldn’t be a very active person. I only actively post when I have questions I don’t understand, but I learn on my own for the most part.

Do you participate in a silo of information sharing (similar themes or wide range of interests)?

In the past, if I joined a group unintentionally, I might be willing to share information. But I mostly don’t reply to messages or read them. So I think I should still be in a self-sufficient state of information.

How can you use a diverse PLN to broaden your views of inclusion?

If we take learning as an example, then different disciplines are divided into different PLNs. Diversi PLN, I think, is a better environment to discuss the knowledge we have learned more professionally. In my point of view, the inclusion of a broader diverse PLN gives students who want to learn this subject a better learning environment.

In your professional setting of choice, do you think inclusion is actively embraced?

My majority is economics. The reason I choose to study economics because of its inclusion. From what I know of the subject, economics is a subject that requires a lot of calculation and a combination of memorization of principles. Because of its inclusion, you will not only learn about economics in the process of studying it; you also give yourself a fallback to changing your major when you find out that economics is not what you want to learn.

What is the learning outcome of your PLN and how are you ensuring your exposure to diversity and inclusion?

DCI 338 is an excellent example of a PLN. The learning outcome of this course is that I gained more knowledge about how people think differently or similarly. My last blog had a comment from a classmate below where she/he said she/he agreed with one of my points. That struck me. I think it also demonstrates another aspect of diversity and inclusion.

I see PLN as a medium where we can be exposed to the opinions of others. Therefore, PLN is a learning network that can be productive and a place where we can see how people think about diversity. In my opinion, that’s why the network is a place to be exposed to diversity and inclusion. In other words, inclusion means allowing diversity to exist.

How has your thinking about inclusion and PLN evolved after reviewing the videos and readings?

After watching the video and reading that article, I have a deeper understanding of inclusion. I used to think of inclusion as acceptance, but after reading the article, I felt that inclusion is more like a personality, an openness to all ideas. It is a good kind of personality.If we can also be inclusive in PLN environment, maybe this is the space we really need to make progress.